Decision Making Tools

On Demand Education

Expert Consulting Services

For An Increasingly Uncertain World

Need to Make a Decision?

Need to Make Better Decisions?

Faster, More Accurate, More Impactful Decisions?

✴︎ Ready to Experience Better Decision-Making Today?– Try DDM Tools Free for 7 Days!

With DDM solutions, individuals, families, and organizations learn how better decision-making can turn “One day” into “Day one” of making progress toward the outcomes that matter most.

On Demand Education

Professional Consulting Services

Innovate Online Decision Tools

The best way to learn to make better decisions is by using tools that help to make decision making:

  • Faster – Minimizing the time that it takes, saving time that can be used for other life events
  • More Accurate – Limiting the number of errors, avoiding the waste of resources
  • More Impactful – Optimizing the change caused by the decision

When struggling to make progress in life or business and it’s not clear what to do next, DDM Tools are the best step to gain clarity and make decisions that help you to make progress again.

First Step: Identify the type of decision

The brain has different decision making systems that are triggered by the type of decision.

DDM categorizes decisions into 3 types:

  • Daily Routine – Use the Automatic decision-making system of the brain to make fast decisions based on memory. This is most of the decisions we make.
    • What to wear
    • Where to eat lunch
    • What work tasks to prioritize
  • Upgrade/Modify Decisions – When the solutions used in our daily routine are no longer getting the job done the Deliberate decision making system of the brain is ready to select the best solution given the context of the situation.
    • Which new used car to buy
    • What new job opportunity to pursue
    • Whether to stay in a relationship
  • Life Direction Decisions – Unfamiliar outcomes become the focus as the Deliberate system helps us to change the direction of our life
    • Buying a home
    • Becoming a parent
    • Starting a business

Learn about which of the DDM tools is best for each decision type. Follow the link to try it today.

  • Answer the following questions by selecting from the drop-down box to identify the decision type to make.
  • Then click the submit button to learn what is the best Deliberate Decision-Making tool to use to begin learning how to make better decisions:

Decision making is triggered in the brain by awareness of the need for change.

Decision making requires energy that the brain may not want to expend. It needs a clear reason to activate decisoin making areas.

The brain relies on two clear data points to determine the best decision making system to activate: Familiarity with the outcome and current state of progress towards meeting unmet needs.

Click on the Submit button below to see which of DDM tools is the best tool to help the brain make progress towards satisfying unmet needs.

Do you want to try another decision?

What problems can DDM tools help me solve?

Because It’s Never Been Harder to Make Good Decisions…

Complexity of Decision

Research indicates that individuals face increasingly complex decisions in their personal lives, with the average complexity rating of decisions rising by 15-20% over the past decade.

Number of Factors to Consider

In professional and personal decision-making, individuals often weigh multiple factors before arriving at a decision. Research shows that the average number of factors considered in complex decisions has increased by 20-30% over the past 10 years.

Amount of Information Processed

The amount of information processed when making difficult decisions has also increased due to technology. Studies indicate that individuals now process up to 40-50% more information when faced with complex decisions compared to previous 2 decades.

Decision Making Fatigue:

Complex decisions can lead to decision-making fatigue, reducing cognitive abilities and increasing the likelihood of decision errors.

Impact of Uncertainty:

The uncertainty associated with difficult decisions can lead to increased stress and anxiety.

Effect on Decision Confidence:

The difficulty of a decision can impact an individual’s confidence in their choice.

…Now It’s Never Been Easier to Make Better Decision

Optimize learning with DDMs Age Specific Curriculum

How one learns to make better decisions depends on the age of the learner.  Watch the video below to learn how DDM Online Courses are specific to each age groups learning needs.

Ages 10 to 14

A profound re-wiring of the brain from childhood to adolescent begins, resulting in a broad challenge to decision making.

Ages 15 to 17

Characterized by continued improvement in efficiency, this age focus is on learning about personal value structures impacting decision making.

Ages 18 to 20

Having clarified their own personal values, this age begins increased investigation of how decisions impact others in their community and broader world.

Ages 21 to 60

The age or responsibility relies heavily on the decision making abilities of the fully mature brain. Life building, upgrading, and daily decision making help to build a routine that meets the needs of the individual so they can help family, friends and community members meet theirs.

Ages 60 Plus

Despite changes in the brain that make decision making more challenging, the senior brain uses decision making to develop a routine that optimizes safety and security.

Controlling the Risks

Individual Freedom

Decision-making is personal—you always have the freedom to choose or not. DDM tools guide you through the process, helping you find solutions that align with your values. Unlike AI-based systems or spreadsheets that suggest answers, DDM never tells you what to do—because no machine is more powerful than your own brain.

Neuroscience based, trusted approach

We’ve made decision-making simpler, faster, and more effective using proven neuroscience. With our eBook, audiobook, courses, and tools, you can start improving decisions today. Need expert guidance? Our consulting services deliver real impact while saving time and money.

Available anytime you are ready

Struggling with decisions wastes time and energy. Your goals and needs feel overwhelming because they require more than guesswork. Learning to make better decisions reduces stress and helps both you and your loved ones. The biggest risk? Putting it off. Don’t wait for “someday” to take control of your choices—start today!

✴︎ Ready to Experience Better Decision-Making Today?– Try DDM Tools Free for 7 Days!