Introduction Pre Assessment
Module 1 - Why Decision Making Is Hard
Module 2 - Making Better Daily Decisions
Module 3 - Making Better Life Direction Decisions
Lesson 3.1 – Function of Deliberate Decision Making System
- Cognitive Domain (Knowledge, Understanding, and Application)
- Identify the role of the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in the Deliberate Decision-Making System and describe its key functions, including working memory and cognitive control.
- Recognize the conditions under which the ACC up-regulates decision-making from the Automatic to the Deliberate System based on familiarity and progress assessment.
- Affective Domain (Receiving, Responding, and Valuing)
- Acknowledge the importance of cognitive control and deliberate decision-making in managing complex, unfamiliar, or difficult decisions.
- Express an appreciation for how the PFC integrates information and resources to enable thoughtful and goal-directed actions.
- Psychomotor Domain (Perception, Set, and Guided Response)
- Observe a decision-making scenario and identify when a shift from the Automatic System to the Deliberate System is necessary due to the task’s complexity or novelty.
Struggling Moment Worksheet