Age 10 to 14 Lesson 2.1 -Routine Daily Decision Making

  1. Cognitive Domain (Knowledge-Based Objectives)
    1. Describe how habits and routines of the Automatic Decision-Making System help meet daily needs efficiently and conserve energy.
    1. List the types of decisions typically handled by the Automatic Decision-Making System, such as daily tasks and routines.
  2. Affective Domain (Emotion-Based Objectives)
    1. Show a willingness to observe their own habitual routines to understand the role of the Automatic Decision-Making System.
    1. Discuss the value of habits and routines in creating stability and predictability in life.
  3. Psychomotor Domain (Action-Based Objectives)
    1. Observe and record personal daily routines in the Daily Activity Inventory that demonstrate using the Automatic System (e.g., morning routine, commute to work).
    1. Demonstrate awareness of the Automatic System by identifying a habitual decision made without conscious thought, such as choosing what route to take to work.
    1. Practice using observation techniques to identify behaviors that suggest when the Automatic Decision-Making System is active (e.g., noticing patterns in routine actions).

Daily Activity Inventory