Post Course Completion Self Assessment


Section: Increased Cognitive Flexibility

Rate each statement based on how much you agree with it, using the scale provided. Your responses will help identify areas of strength and opportunities for further improvement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am more likely to meet my needs after a change in context.
I can quickly recognize when the context or outcome of a situation changes.
I am able to move on from unwanted situations without lingering frustration.
I can switch tasks rapidly without losing focus or momentum.
I actively seek new solutions when my needs are unmet.
I am willing to adjust my routine or schedule when necessary.
I can focus on one need, shift to another, and then return to the original need effectively.
I adapt my behavior to better meet the demands of different situations.
I can increase and maintain my motivation (up-regulate) when facing challenges.
I feel more emotionally balanced when making decisions.
I am comfortable prototyping or experimenting with new ways to accomplish tasks.

Section: Specific Skills Improved

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I have a clear understanding of the purpose of my decisions.
I can imagine or visualize the potential results of my decisions.
I regularly observe and reflect on my current state before making decisions.
I am aware of the relevance of my decisions to my goals or values.
I recognize how the context impacts the results of my decisions.
I understand how to retrieve and use memories to inform decisions.
I am able to clearly state the outcomes I aim to achieve.
I research efficiently to gather the information needed for decisions.
I weigh my options carefully before choosing a course of action.
I understand how to make tradeoffs to achieve the best possible outcomes.
I feel fluent in applying my personal values to decision-making.
I follow through on commitments related to my decisions.
I can plan and perform tasks in an efficient sequence.
I schedule my tasks to maximize their impact.
I can summarize the changes in status resulting from the actions I take.
I recognize when modifications are needed to improve outcomes.
I share my progress with others to enhance accountability and learning.