Is This the Best Time to Make a Deliberate Decision?

When down regulators are present, they can impact the successful completion of a deliberate decision. The ACC must maintain the up-regulation of the Deliberate system. Use the following form to identify the relative strength of the down-regulators. After submitting the form, the results will be presented along with considerations and suggestions about optimizing the internal and external environments of the decision maker to improve the likelihood of successfully completing a deliberate decision.


Uncertainty and Fear

What is the level of Uncertainty and Fear?

High Emotions and Affect

What is the intensity of emotion both “good” and “bad”

Time Pressure

What is the level of time pressure?

Low Motivation

How unmotivated do you currently feel?

Limited Cognitive Resources

What is the current state of mental fatigue?

Familiarity with Task

How familiar are you with the job to de done?