Category: Age Specific Decision Making

Age Specific Decision Making information and video introductions

  • School Project 

    When I’m choosing a book to read for a school project, help me to find summaries and reviews that are easy to understand, so that I can pick a book that captures my interest and relates to my assignment.  In her cozy corner of the room, Lily was surrounded by her favorite thing in the… Read more

  • Friendship Conflict 

    When I’m managing conflicts with friends, help me to learn communication strategies or role-playing exercises, so that I can resolve disagreements positively and maintain healthy relationships.  In the busy school cafeteria, Maya usually loved her lunchtime, hanging out with her buddies and having a good laugh. But today was different. Something got mixed up among… Read more

  • Decision Making Ages 10 to 14

    The journey through adolescence is marked by numerous developmental changes, both physical and psychological. Among these changes, the maturation of the brain plays a pivotal role, particularly in decision-making processes. During the ages of 10 to 14, the brain undergoes significant changes as it begins the transformation from the childhood world into the adult world.… Read more