Lesson A1 – What Is Decision Making?

Do the following descriptions of decision-making seem familiar?  If you notice this in your friends, family, colleagues, or yourself, lesson A1 provides critical information to help transform decision-making abilities.

Don’t know that a decision is needed and get caught off guard, unprepared
Uncertain of what is the next step to make a decision and so do nothing
Slow learning and uncertain about taking steps to make a change
When trying to make a change, it takes a lot of time and makes a lot of errors

The video lesson includes the following topics and lesson objectives:
Cognitive Domain (Remembering and Understanding)
1.1 Define what decision-making is, including the role of decision-making in maintaining survival and fulfilling needs.
1.2 Recognize how decision-making connects to routine daily activities and unmet needs.
1.3 Explain basic reasons for decision-making, such as survival, safety, and security in a complex world.
Affective Domain (Receiving and Responding)
2.1 Discuss the role of emotions, anxiety, and social acceptance in decision-making in uncertain time.
2.2 Respond to scenarios involving decision-making questions, such as “How do you know you made the right decision?”
Psychomotor Domain (Imitation and Perception)
3.1 Identify critical decision-making steps, including assessing needs and evaluating options.
3.2 Outline a weekly needs assessment as a routine practice to improve decision-making skills. (Weekly Needs Assessment)
Following completion of the video, practice with the video and Weekly Needs Assessment by clicking on the links:
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