Lesson A3 – Two Systems, One Brain
Do the following descriptions of decision-making seem familiar?
Get highly emotional and overwhelmed when things are not going your way
Tendency to avoid and procrastinate when a decision needs to be made
Tendency to overthink small decisions and so perpetually rushed, often late
Tendency to under think big decisions and go with your gut when it needs a well-considered rationale
In this video lesson, you will learn about the following topics and lesson objectives:
Cognitive Domain
1.1 Remembering: List the two primary decision-making systems in the brain (Automatic and Deliberate) and describe their primary functions
1.2 Understanding: Explain the role of the Cingulate Cortex in decision-making and how it helps to manage energy use between systems.
1.3 Applying: Illustrate a scenario where the brain’s decision-making systems switch from automatic to deliberate due to changes in needs or context.
Affective Domain
2.1 Receiving: Recognize the importance of understanding the brain's decision-making anatomy for personal decision-making efficiency.
2.2Valuing: Express appreciation for how cognitive flexibility, supported by understanding decision-making anatomy, can contribute to making effective life choices.
Psychomotor Domain
3.1 Perception: Identify visual representations of brain areas involved in the automatic and deliberate decision-making systems on a diagram.
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