FAMILY Caregiver – Age 60 to 80 Lesson 1.2 – Two Systems, One Brain

Have you noticed the following descriptions of decision-making in your parent or senior family member? 

Tendency to get highly emotional and overwhelmed when things are not going their way
Tendency to avoid and procrastinate when a decision needs to be made
Tendency to overthink small decisions and complain of being perpetually rushed, often late
Tendency to under think big decisions and go with their gut when it needs a well-considered rationale
Increasing tendency to make questionable decisions that risk injury

In this video lesson, you will learn about the following topics and lesson objectives to help provide care giving to your senior parent or family member:
Cognitive Domain
1.1 Remembering: List the two primary decision-making systems in the brain (Automatic and Deliberate) and describe their primary functions, emphasizing how aging may affect the balance between these systems.1.2 Understanding: Explain the role of the Cingulate Cortex in decision-making, particularly in managing energy use between systems, and how age-related changes may impact this process.1.3 Applying: Illustrate a scenario where the brain’s decision-making systems transition from automatic to deliberate in response to age-specific challenges, such as adapting to new technology or changes in health.
Affective Domain
2.1 Receiving: Recognize the significance of understanding the brain’s decision-making anatomy for improving decision-making efficiency and maintaining independence as cognitive flexibility decreases.2.2 Valuing: Express appreciation for how fostering cognitive adaptability through understanding decision-making anatomy can help seniors navigate age-related challenges and make effective life decisions.
Psychomotor Domain
3.1 Perception: Identify brain areas involved in the automatic and deliberate decision-making systems on a diagram, focusing on changes in these areas due to aging.
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