FAMILY Caregiver – Age 60 to 80 Lesson 2.1 -Routine Daily Decision Making

Have you noticed the following descriptions of decision-making in your parent or senior family member?

Tendency to not be able to make a decision about what to wear, where to eat, what to do, etc.
Overwhelmed by daily decisions and stay with habits
Difficulty with breaking unproductive or unhealthy habits
Tendency to waste time and money with habitual, daily routines

In this video lesson, you will learn about the following topics and lesson objectives to help provide caregiving to your senior parent or family member:
Cognitive Domain (Knowledge-Based Objectives)
1.1 Describe how the habits and routines of the Automatic Decision-Making System help meet daily needs efficiently and conserve cognitive energy, highlighting how this reliance becomes even more critical with age-related challenges in up-regulation to the Deliberate system.
Affective Domain (Emotion-Based Objectives)
2.1 Show a willingness to observe their own habitual routines to gain insight into how the Automatic Decision-Making System supports their daily life and compensates for challenges in deliberate thinking.2.2 Discuss the value of habits and routines in creating stability and predictability, particularly in managing age-related changes and maintaining a sense of control over one’s environment.
Psychomotor Domain (Action-Based Objectives)
3.1 Observe and record personal daily routines in the Daily Activity Inventory that demonstrate reliance on the Automatic Decision-Making System (e.g., morning routine, meal preparation, or managing household tasks).3.2 Demonstrate awareness of the Automatic Decision-Making System by identifying a habitual decision made without conscious thought, such as selecting a daily walking route or preparing coffee in the morning.3.3 Practice using observation techniques to identify behaviors that suggest when the Automatic Decision-Making System is active (e.g., recognizing patterns in routine actions like folding laundry or organizing the pantry), and reflect on how th...

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