Age 10 to 14 Lesson 3.1 – Function of Deliberate Decision-Making System

  1. Cognitive Domain (Knowledge, Understanding, and Application)
    1. Identify the role of the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in the Deliberate Decision-Making System and describe its key functions, including working memory and cognitive control.
    1. Recognize the conditions under which the ACC up-regulates decision-making from the Automatic to the Deliberate System based on familiarity and progress assessment.
  2. Affective Domain (Receiving, Responding, and Valuing)
    1. Acknowledge the importance of cognitive control and deliberate decision-making in managing complex, unfamiliar, or difficult decisions.
    1. Express an appreciation for how the PFC integrates information and resources to enable thoughtful and goal-directed actions.
  3. Psychomotor Domain (Perception, Set, and Guided Response)
    1. Observe a decision-making scenario and identify when a shift from the Automatic System to the Deliberate System is necessary due to the task’s complexity or novelty.

Struggling Moment Worksheet