Do-It-Yourself Deliberate Decision Making – DIY DDMP

When things aren’t going as planned, you’re in a Struggling Moment—a key point where the right steps can bring you closer to the outcome you want.

The 5-Step Deliberate Decision-Making Process

Step 1: Awareness (10 min)
Identify the problem and why it matters to you. Reflect on:

  • What’s causing the struggle?
  • How is it affecting daily life?
  • What outcome do you want?

Step 2: Rewards & Consequences (10 min)
Understand what’s at stake. Consider:

  • The benefits of making the right choice
  • The drawbacks of inaction

Step 3: Solution Seeking (15 min)
Explore potential solutions by:

  • Reviewing what has/hasn’t worked before
  • Identifying key features of the best options
  • Defining what progress looks like

Step 4: Deciding (15 min)
Compare options and create a Value Structure to weigh priorities and eliminate less effective choices.

Step 5: Commitment (10 min)
Lock in your decision and plan the next steps for implementation.

Supporting Tools for Success
Making deliberate decisions can be stressful, which can interfere with thinking clearly. This process helps keep your brain in an Up-regulated state, freeing up mental energy for confident decision-making.

📌 Before You Start:
Ask yourself—Is this the best time to make this decision? Consider factors like mental energy, distractions, and urgency before diving in.

Before the DIY DDMP

Is this the best time to make a deliberate decision? The right time to make a complex decision for selecting a new solution depends on a number of factors.

During the DIY DDMP

Use the Automatic Systems Behavior Evaluation as a quick tool of 20 seconds to provide the ACC with information about the likelihood of remaining up-regulated. If down-regulation has occurred than progress in the DIY DDMP will be impaired.


Yes, I want to start a new deliberate decision.