Extracurricular Activities 

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When I’m deciding which extracurricular activity to join, help me to attend trial sessions or workshops for different clubs, so that I can discover my interests and make a choice that excites me. 

In the bustling halls of the community center, Sam found himself surrounded by a sea of flyers and posters, each one shouting about different clubs and activities. Excited voices filled the air as kids chatted about which club to join. But for Sam, this decision was turning out to be harder than he thought. Everything was so new—how was he supposed to choose? Which one was the best fit for him?

As the afternoon rolled on, Sam felt like he was at a crossroads. He was used to making snap decisions, trusting his gut and what he already knew. But with so many club options, uncertainty crept in. His usual way of deciding just wasn’t cutting it for this big choice. He tended to be cautious and was afraid of trying new things, afraid of not knowing what to do.

Inside Sam’s head, there was a battle between his quick Automatic System and the awakening of his Deliberate System. His Automatic System, the part of his brain that usually made fast decisions, was struggling. It was used to just going with the flow, but with all these club choices, it was stumped. Meanwhile, his Deliberate System was starting to wake up, realizing he needed to think things through. This was his Step 1 moment, realizing he needed a new approach.

“What activity will get me excited? Which one will help me figure out what I’m interested in?” These were the questions swirling around in Sam’s mind, showing his Deliberate System was kicking into gear.

Seeing Sam’s confusion, his mom, Ms. Johnson, stepped in to help him through the decision-making process. Together, they dove into Step 2, gathering more info about the clubs and weighing the pros and cons. They found out that extracurriculars could help him learn, make friends, and even set him up for college. They checked schedules, read up on activities, and imagined what each one could offer. Knowing he had his mom’s support instantly eased Sam’s nerves.

In Step 3, Sam got clear on what he wanted and what mattered to him by making outcome statements. “I want to find something fun that helps me grow,” he declared. He also wanted activities where he could make friends, that wouldn’t break the bank, and would help him with his future goals. They made a list of options, knowing he only had 2 days to decide.

Then, they ranked the clubs based on how well they matched his goals in Step 4, making tough choices by focusing on excitement and future dreams over just sticking with what’s familiar. Finally, Sam found a club that really caught his eye—a robotics club that promised both creativity and learning.

Before signing up and paying the fee, Sam wanted to be sure it was the right choice for him. Trying something new was still scary, but he felt better about it now. Looking back on his process, he knew this decision truly reflected his values and needs in Step 5.

With his mom’s help, Sam got the trial sessions organized in his calendar and got ready for his first visit to the robotics club. This was Step 6, getting ready to take action. They made a plan for rides with friends since his mom would be at work during club time.

During Step 7, Sam went to the trial session, joined the robotics club, and felt a surge of excitement as he started this new adventure.

In Step 8, he looked back on his decision. As time went on, Sam checked in on his progress. He realized that the robotics club was indeed thrilling and matched his interests.

Excited about how things were going, Sam shared his experience with friends, encouraging them to think carefully when picking activities.

He had gone from making quick decisions to really thinking things through. His new robot, built in after-school robotics class, was proof of how powerful Deliberate System thinking could be in making big decisions.

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