Post Course Completion Self Asessment



Rate each statement based on how much you agree with it, using the scale provided. Your responses will help identify areas of strength and opportunities for further improvement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I can meet my needs even when my environment or priorities change unexpectedly.
I quickly notice when the situation or outcome has shifted and adjust my actions.
I can let go of situations or decisions that didn’t work out and focus on moving forward.
I can easily switch between tasks without feeling overwhelmed or losing focus.
When my plans don’t work out, I am open to exploring new ways to solve problems.
I feel comfortable adjusting my routine or schedule to meet changing needs.
I can switch my focus between different responsibilities and return to them as needed.
I change how I act or respond based on what the situation requires.
I can motivate myself and stay focused even when tasks feel challenging.
I handle emotions well and stay balanced when making decisions.
I am willing to try out new strategies or approaches to get things done.


Likert Scale
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I understand why making thoughtful decisions is important for my goals.
I can imagine or visualize what will happen as a result of my choices.
I take time to observe and understand my current situation before making a decision.
I think about how my choices connect to what is important to me.
I understand how the context of a situation affects the results of my actions.
I know how to use my past experiences to help me make better decisions.
I can clearly explain what I want to achieve with my decisions.
I know how to gather the information I need to make decisions effectively.
I weigh the pros and cons of my options before deciding.
I understand how to balance tradeoffs when I can’t have everything I want.
I use my personal values to guide my decision-making.
I follow through on the decisions and commitments I make.
I organize tasks in a way that helps me get things done efficiently.
I create schedules that help me focus on what matters most.
I can explain how my decisions have impacted my progress or goals.
I know when to make changes to improve the outcomes of my decisions.
I share my progress and decisions with others to get feedback and stay motivated.